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When Rory was diagnosed with Beckers in 2020, the consultant told us having a depletion of the…
Over 110,000 people in the UK are living with a muscle wasting or weakening condition and raising…
Medical and scientific conferences are an essential part of the work clinicians and researchers do…
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a condition caused by genetic changes in the dystrophin gene…
Your story
When I fell pregnant with my first son, Frankie, it felt like a miracle. I’d had five miscarriages…
I’ve never been much of a gardener but when the opportunity came for us to apply to grant-making…
Cost-of-living Disappointingly, the new measures announced do not offer enough support for our…
The two-day event featured 12 engaging sessions, covering a wide variety of topics. Presentations…
Living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy has its ups and downs, but for me has definitely had more…
Your story
I was always a really active kid and sports was a big part of my childhood. Looking back now, I can…